Dark Passage was born in Turin in June 2012 and its four members (Marco, Paolo, Christian e Giovanni) join forces sharing among them a significant amount of experience gained during years of music in other underground metal bands (Overdrive, T-Power, Prophecy and the still existing Fearytales). The musical goal is to create a harmonic blend between the epic and melodic concept of titans like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest and the rhythmical style closer to Teutonic metal of Accept, Rage and Grave Digger with a hint of melodic thrash coming from bands like Metallica and Megadeth.
Dark Passage starts immediately writing its own original music and after a period of time dedicated to live shows, in 2014, they decide to record their first EP “Sounds from the Passage”. The EP is published in 2015 and 1000 CDs are distributed free of charge in the major music stores of Turin and at live shows.
Years 2015-2018 have been dedicated to live shows with a dozen gigs, among which it’s worth remembering the live show opening for Diamond Head in Collegno (November 2018) and BeerApocalypse festival in Prato (August 2017).
In the meanwhile the band kept on writing new music and in autumn 2019 recordings of the first full length started; CD will be published on April 3rd 2020, under Rockshots Records. “The Legacy of Blood” is a concept album, containing 16 brand new songs”, set in medieval Scotland during the first independence war. The story flows through the events of the war to gain the Scottish throne, crossing the events of the King’s life, which will found himself fighting against his own stepson. A deep thought into the feelings of the main characters, frustrated hopes and sacrifice of the soldiers and the pain of who, in the mists of war, had lost a bit of himself.